Hi. I'm new to game development and itch.io. and this is my first attempt at making the game from the video tutorial "How to make a Video Game - Godot Beginner Tutorial" from Brackeys in Godot 4.3

Video from Brackeys

To run the game in your browser your browser needs support for WebGl 2.0.

You can check here to see if your browser supports WebGL 2.0 or not.

The executable file for windows is also available for download. 


SPRITES by analogStudios_:

knight (https://analogstudios.itch.io/camelot)

slime (https://analogstudios.itch.io/dungeonsprites)

platforms and coin (https://analogstudios.itch.io/four-seasons-platformer-sprites)

SPRITES by RottingPixels:

world_tileset and fruit (https://rottingpixels.itch.io/four-seasons-platformer-tileset-16x16free)

WORLD TILESET originally 

SOUNDS by Brackeys, Asbjørn Thirslund

MUSIC by Brackeys, Sofia Thirslund

FONTS by Jayvee Enaguas - HarvettFox96 - (https://www.dafont.com/pixel-operator.font?l[]=10&l[]=1)

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